Kangaroo Island Brewery

Located on pristine Kangaroo Island, this brewery is born from blood and sweat.  This Island has been built on the hard work of generations before, something not to be taken lightly. Whether it was the first English settlers of the South Australian Company or the following soldier settlers making this land arable, hard work and perseverance has been the underpinning qualityAlthough founder Mike hasn’t been on Kangaroo Island as long as the original settlers, he still loves and appreciates Kangaroo Island for it’s heritage and natural beauty.  Mike has been a builder for 10 years in the Fleurieu Peninsular and Kangaroo Island. Lucky enough to work on many different and varied building sites, Mike has been able to bring a rustic yet neat and modern feel to the new brewery. Most if not all materials in the new KIB are recycled and have an amazing story. From local shearing sheds to local quarried stone the brewery is local as hell!   So why a brewery? Well, it just makes sense. The Island is lucky enough to have fantastic wineries and even a micro distillery but up until now, no brewery.